Blischak Law July 16, 2023 Personal injury
Even the most minor drug trafficking offense in Arizona produces severe consequences, including jail time and hefty fines. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) branch of the federal government puts these laws in place, and each state follows minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines.
If you are accused of drug trafficking charges in Arizona, Blischak Law Firm offers relentless defense when the stakes are high, and you need an experienced defense team.
The Drug Enforcement Association (DEA) classifies drugs into schedules, and the mandatory federal trafficking penalties are based on the drug’s determined schedule and quantity.
This schedule is the most serious in drug classification. Drugs that fall under this category have been deemed to have no appropriate use medically and are most often abused. Mandatory minimum sentences for a first-time offense include:
Second offense minimums include:
Marijuana, hashish, and hashish oils are classified as Schedule I drugs, but sentencing guidelines are separate from other Schedule I drugs, with possession of marijuana in certain quantities being illegal in Arizona. Flunitrazepam, or Rohypnol, classification also changes depending on the amount in possession.
Drugs falling into this schedule are classified as having the potential to lead to psychological and physical dependence. The risk of abusing these drugs is great. Minimum mandatory sentencing includes:
Second offense minimums include:
Prison time will likely result from a Schedule III drug charge. These drugs have been determined to have a moderate to low probability of psychological and physical dependence. Minimum sentencing for first-offense Schedule III drug charges are:
Second offense minimums include:
These substances carry a low risk of dependence and abuse. Minimum sentencing for first offenses includes:
Second offense minimums include:
Antidiarrheal, cough-suppressing, and pain-relieving drugs fall under this schedule. First-offense minimum sentences include:
Second offense minimums include:
Mandatory minimum drug charges come with a high price. The Blischak Law Firm believes in protecting your rights and relentlessly pursuing your defense. When you schedule a free consultation, you will be given the respect and courtesy that everyone deserves, and we will take the time to listen and answer your questions personally.