If you are facing criminal charges, you may be concerned about who will testify on your behalf. Often, lay witnesses, or witnesses who are not experts, are the main voices that the jury will hear. In some cases, an expert witness can illustrate the facts of the case in a way that can be eye-opening… read more
Being charged with a criminal offense can result in severe legal consequences. How you handle the accusations from the initial encounter can have major implications toward conviction. Avoiding common mistakes and making the correct decisions is critical. Let the trusted Phoenix criminal defense team at Blischak Law Firm successfully navigate the legal process, working to… read more
Even the most minor drug trafficking offense in Arizona produces severe consequences, including jail time and hefty fines. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) branch of the federal government puts these laws in place, and each state follows minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines. If you are accused of drug trafficking charges in Arizona, Blischak Law Firm offers… read more
When it comes to drug-related offenses, the legal system in the U.S. operates at both the state and federal levels. Understanding the difference between state and federal drug charges is crucial, as it can significantly impact the nature of the case, the potential consequences, and the applicable laws. Jurisdiction One of the primary differences between… read more